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We take on meaningful projects where we can help our clients build the more resilient future we know is possible. 

Since 2010, the Model Forest Policy Program has collaborated with dozens of communities to reduce their climate risks and adapt to the impacts of climate change, empowering them to become stronger and more resilient for the future.


Indigenous and rural communities, in particular, face significant barriers to climate change that increase their vulnerability to its impacts. That’s why we prioritize working with Tribal and rural communities. By utilizing community co-design processes and building community capacity, we enhance the health and vitality of these communities and regions, strengthen the ecosystems on which they and others depend, and create lasting, just, and equitable resilience.


Resilience Planning & Adaptation Support

We work alongside communities to improve their capacity to manage climate risks and adapt to a changing climate. Our team specializes in assessing climate risks, evaluating the vulnerability of communities and their assets to these risks, and developing plans that further adaptive capacity and resilience. By centering community leaders and stakeholders in planning, design, and decision-making, we deliver locally identified and owned solutions that address the unique challenges, needs, and priorities of the community.


Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Resource Support

Capacity building is a central element in our support to communities to ensure local ownership and the building of a climate resilience community of practice. While building local capacity, we provide technical assistance and resource support services that include project management, facilitation, economic analysis, research and data, spatial analysis, communications and outreach, and fundraising support. Collaboration and partnerships with frontline organizations, agencies, and university partners are critical not only to strengthening capacity for climate resilience but also to advancing relevant initiatives and projects at scale.

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Training & Workshops

Through training and workshops, we guide decision-makers in gaining a deeper understanding of how to apply climate resilience to address critical challenges facing the health, well-being, and ways of life of communities and regions. From community meetings to conference presentations, leadership cohorts, and online self-guided courses, we help clients and practitioners understand and apply the most current research and tools to cost-effectively respond to, plan for, and anticipate climate impacts and strengthen climate resilience.

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